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Anya Guiry Suchtberatung Counselling Addiction


Learn to take charge of your life again

There are many misconceptions about addiction and addictive behaviour. Many people associate addiction with activities such as drinking, gambling, smoking and drug use, but in reality you can become addicted to almost anything: work, sex, shopping, the internet, television, sports or even healthy eating.

What is an addiction or addictive behaviour?

The term addiction refers not only to addictive disorders, but to the totality of risky, abusive and dependent behaviours related to addictive substances as well as non-substance-related behaviours (such as gambling or excessive internet use). Some characteristics are: 

  • There is a strong desire or even compulsive craving to consume.

  • There is a reduced ability to control the onset, cessation and quantity of use.

  • The occurrence of a physical withdrawal syndrome.

  • Other pleasures or interests such as family, friends, school, work or hobbies are increasingly neglected in favour of substance use.


How did I get addicted?

Addictive behaviours are generally activities that provide an escape from worry or pain. Through this perceived "escape", a person may develop long-lasting habits that in some cases interfere with their daily life and that of others.

Am I an addict, do I have an addiction problem?

As a psychological counsellor, I do not make diagnoses according to the ICD 11 (International Classification of Diseases). Only you can know the answer to the question whether you are "addicted" and whether you have a problem with your behaviour. 

How can counselling help? 

Many people are ashamed of their addiction or addictive behaviour. Seeking counselling is a big step. In a confidential space, you can talk openly with me and trust that I will offer you a non-judgmental, caring approach in which you can explore and express your feelings.

In counselling we basically work with what is causing you difficulties in the present. Beliefs, thoughts, feelings and body reactions play an essential role. In addition, we try to explore the roots of the behaviour and discover the underlying problem or trigger. In this way you can come to terms with your addictions and learn to find a way forward.

«Examine what you believe to be impossible, and then change your beliefs.”» - Wayne W. Dyer

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